Every child has the potential to create music through movement, singing, instruments, and dance. The environment nurtures this by encouraging a love for music and offering both group and individual opportunities to explore sound through singing, nursery rhymes, music boxes, rattles, and instruments. During group sessions, children engage with the rhythm and beat of music through actions like slithering, jumping, rolling, and wriggling.

Maria Montessori stated:

“Music can touch us in a way that nothing else can. No better gift can we give to children then to open this door with them.”

Music is a universal language. It is a way of showing how you feel and can be understood by all. It is a way to communicate your feelings. There is cultural music that you will respond to differently and be drawn to, to listen to. It may even evoke memories of previous experiences or events.

Music is not just instruments and the use of voice. It is the sounds around us, the music in nature. The rain hitting on the roof or window, the wind blowing through the trees, birds singing or the waves crashing onto rocks at the beach.

A baby can hear in utero from about 10 weeks. Sounds are muted in the womb. They feel vibrations and hear the tone of voices. They can hear the music of the culture within which the adult lives and listens to. This can be then used as a point of reference for the baby once they are born.

Our classrooms create an environment that encourages an appreciation of music and allows children to explore with sound through singing, nursery rhymes, music boxes, rattles and instruments. These experiences are offered in group and individual settings. “cultural”

During group experiences an instrumental piece of music may be played to allow the children to move to the rhythm and beat of each piece. The children are encouraged to slither on the floor; jump; roll; and wriggle. Mats may be used to give each child their own space to stay on, especially for jumping experiences.


Singing is one of the best tools to destress chaos. When in doubt, start singing. It can happen at any time – spontaneously, when it is needed.

Sing the songs slowly so that the child can hear each of the words. It is recommended not to use recordings as they are often too fast.

Repeat singing the song many times.

Use books to sing along to sometimes as the child’s focus is then not on singing or watching your mouth.

Sing directions such as “This is the way we walk inside, walk inside, walk inside…..”.

The child is often non-verbal and they will be watching your mouth as you are singing. They will soon join in.

Create a collection of songs in a folder. Let parents know they are available so they can find out the words. A copy can be placed in the book area so that the children can read them as well.

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